Plakat mit Innovationen


Always in step with the times

As the largest bus company in Austria, we are constantly working on new technologies and ideas to help shape the future of bus transport in Austria.

In rural areas, buses operated by Postbus are the only means of public transport for many communities, making them the backbone of mobility. Here, we aim to set important impulses for the future of mobility with our ‘micro public transport’ (Mikro-ÖV) solution. It is with Mikro-ÖV that we are creating an attractive offer for both excursion traffic and the rural population.

Innovation driver for alternative drive technologies

Aware of our responsibility for achieving EU climate targets, we at Postbus have set ourselves the long-term goal of switching to alternative drive systems for our bus services. This is one of the reasons why Postbus is constantly working on new innovations such as environmentally friendly drive technologies for its buses. Following successful trials, the first battery-powered electric buses were able to enter regular operation in 2020.

And there’s more: in Austria, we not only drive innovation but are also pioneers in the industry when it comes to developing hydrogen as a green propulsion technology. In 2018, we were the first company in Austria to start successful and wide-ranging trials in our scheduled bus services, which have clearly shown that we are on the right track.

Innovation and pilot projects at Postbus

Perhaps you would like to know more about the current developments, innovation and pilot projects at Postbus?