Buslenkerin mit Mund-Nasenschutz

Whisper quiet through Kitzbühel

ÖBB Postbus and VVT are testing electric bus

As part of Austria's largest climate protection company, ÖBB Postbus is testing an electric bus for its suitability for everyday use together with VVT and the municipality of Kitzbühel.

As Austria's largest bus company, Postbus plays a pioneering role in alternative drive technologies. This makes a significant contribution to reducing CO2 emissions in Austria. Battery-powered e-buses are a good alternative to conventional diesel buses, especially in urban traffic with lower daily mileage. Postbus is an innovation driver on the Austrian bus market and can already draw on several years of experience with e-buses. Now, an electric bus is being tested together with Verkehrsverbund Tirol (VVT) and Stadtwerke Kitzbühel (Kitzbühel Municipal Utilities) on routes 4002 and 4008 in the city bus system in Kitzbühel for its suitability for everyday use in regular service. In the process, important experience and findings are being gathered in real-life operation - especially under winter driving conditions.

E-bus ideal for city traffic

With a length of 9.5 meters and a width of just 2.33 meters, the bus is ideal for use in small city centers and on narrow streets. In addition to its climate-friendly drive, the bus also impresses with its low driving noise. It is whisper-quiet, completely emission-free and still offers enough space for up to 67 passengers. Another advantage of the vehicle is that the bus's batteries are charged overnight or during breaks in the journey. By using an e-bus instead of a diesel bus, Kitzbühel could save around 61.4 tons of CO2 per year.

Postbus ist und bleibt Vorreiter bei alternativen Antriebstechnologien auf der Straße

Postbus ist stolz darauf, Innovationstreiber am Österreichischen Busmarkt zu sein und kann bei E-Bussen bereits auf einige Jahre Erfahrung zurückgreifen. Daher werden wir gemeinsam mit dem VOR das erste Projekt in Niederösterreich für E-Busse im regionalen Buslinienverkehr umzusetzen. Das zeigt uns einmal mehr, dass die emissionsfreie Antriebstechnologie im Busbetrieb gefragt ist und wir für die Umsetzung von Projekten und Zukunftsmodellen mehr als bereit sind. Im Sommer 2022 wird Postbus den Betrieb von elf 12-Meter langen Niederflur-Elektrobussen mit Panthographen für zwei Linien aufnehmen.

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